Vrneck functional movement task boards.
Protection status:
European patent No EUIPO 006549135-0001-0008
The subject of the invention is the VRneck SOLUTION system – An innovative system for diagnosis, therapy and training of functional disorders and injuries of the cervical and cervico-thoracic spine. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning, the system determines the so-called segmental mobility network of the cervical and cervicothoracic spine. Analysis of the mesh parameters allows for the assessment of the functionality of individual segments of the cervical spine. VRneck SOLUTION consists of several elements: virtual reality (VR) goggles, a system of special gyroscopes for positioning the body during the examination, and software enabling the registration and analysis of functional tasks performed by the patient.
Significant acceleration of diagnosis and initiation of early individualized rehabilitation using artificial intelligence (AI) compared to the existing, subjective methods of assessing the functions of the cervical spine; complementing currently available methods in the health care system. The additional use of virtual reality in kinesiotherapy allows for the optimization of therapeutic procedures.
Stage of work:
Product presentation at the invention fair:
Diagnostics, therapy planning and monitoring the rehabilitation process of patients with functional disorders in the cervical spine, cervicocephalic junction and cervico-thoracic junction caused by diseases of the musculoskeletal system or injuries. Development of an individual therapy program that includes, among others: manual therapy, kinesiotherapy and physical therapy treatments. A helpful tool in the work of doctors, physiotherapists, rehabilitators and personal trainers.
@: sylwia.grzelak@umed.lodz.pl, tel.: 502 447 575