
We transfer technology

Building intellectual property management systems. Providing Patent Attorney service. Starting services for R&D. Taking care of projects from the research level until commercialization and implementation.


We stimulate innovation

Through information and training activities, building networking groups, conducting mentoring. By introducing and constantly searching for creative improvements and quality. By using external and internal sources of financing ideas. Patent pending and licensing.


We support entrepreneurship

Providing space in the Business Incubator. Offering the support of experts in the field of business building. Acting in the areas of start – up, spin – off and spin – out and creating new investments, we are an active player on the market.


We integrate science and business

Initiating and monitoring cooperation in the field of clinical trials. Advising on obtaining consents and permits. Helping in preparing project applications.


We work internationally

By implementing numerous partner projects throughout Europe. Through interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and experience. Presenting the best specialists and technologies from Poland on the international stage. Building networks of research centers and contractors.

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