The course programme has been divided into 3 stages:
1. Introduction to entrepreneurship, team building and ideation (includes e.g. Design thinking, Enterpreneurship for start-ups, sources of funding for innovations, Project management, Team Building, Analysis of Client needs, Market analysis, Modern technologies in idea presentation, Idea presentation) – approx. 5-6.2019,
2. Idea development, plan of the product implementation (includes e.g. Business plan economic basics, IP Protection/Patents, Law for start-up – how to set up own company, Promotion for start-ups, Risk analysis, Medical devices and Dietary supplements, Consultations and demonstrator 3D print) – approx. 7-9.2019 (includes e-learning),
3. Product maturation (includes e.g. Public appearances, Negotiations in business, TRIZ methodology, Pithing in front of a camera, Study visits) – approx. 11-12.2019.