
Delivered online and in person, Entrepreneurship Labs (E-Labs) last one semester and use various forms of teaching. They provide a creative space for businesses, researchers, innovators and students to share real-life industry challenges. Working in interdisciplinary teams, you’ll seek solutions to these challenges and pitch your ideas at the end of the course – gaining new business and innovation skills in the process.

EIT Health Enrepreneurship Labs (E-Labs) have the mission of changing the mindset of highly skilled students and professionals, so that they will stimulate more entrepreneurship thinking within their organisations and seek innovative solutions to problems and tasks. Examples of these kinds of events include Design Thinking Challenges, in which participants as part of an interdisciplinary team in a collaborative and creative environment and learn how to use Design Thinking approach.


Students, PhD candidates, researchers, entrepreneurs from various disciplines.


To learn more about all E-Labs organised in Europe please check http://elab.eithealth.eu


Joanna Baranowska
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