8 weeks intensive bootcamp programme catapulting promising healthcare transforming ideas from sketch to market.


MedTech Bootcamp aims at expert interdisciplinary teams consisting of ambitious graduate students, healthcare practitioners, engineers, and computer scientists with an individually tailored entrepreneurial toolbox, a convincing business plan, and a strong network of investors to push their promising ideas into medical technology from sketch to the European market. During the MedTech Bootcamp, selected teams will transform their innovative ideas into successful startups within the 8 week program on business creation and validation.


MedTech Bootcamp is open for graduate students, healthcare practitioners, engineers, and computer scientists with a startup idea in medical technology including digital healthcare. European teams of 2 to 4 members who have the ambition to become entrepreneurs and explore tremendous opportunities.


– Selection process, organization and follow-up to start-up teams
– Business design toolbox: Starting a start-up journey – TRAINING IN GERMANY
– Roadshow: Łódź-Paris-Coimbra-Barcelona
– Travel grants for start-up teams


Marcin Ciszewski, PhD
Joanna Baranowska
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